About us


Pastor Peter Kuyuni is the Director: Through my dear partner, Elizabeth, I  registered a non- profit organization through Kenyan government, its name is, HOPE HOUSE FOUNDATION KENYA, in the year 2015 this deals with general humanitarian aid.

The prove of registration watch this video

The first video that shows where the orphans, street children, and oppressed children lived in the year 2015

Elizabeth Chavoustie speech about helping orphans in the year 2015

Pastor Peter Kuyuni speech about helping orphans in the year 2015

Pastor Peter Kuyuni second speech about helping orphans and widows  


1) To care orphans and street children.

2) To care widows and elderly

3) To eradicate poverty in the society

4) To campaign peace and reconciliation

5) To be sensitive to the plight of less fortunate persons.


1) To promote the improvement of the association.

2) To promote and protect interest of the association members.

3) To promote boy – girl child in the country in areas of team building.

4) To provide basic needs to less fortunate.

5) To improve the living standard of family members by promoting education and health standard.

6) To promote unity/oneness in the family /society.

7) To promote healthy social behavior of members and care of environment.

8) To participate in matters calculated to the strength of association.

9) To encourage and assist members to form social -economic initiatives to promote self-reliance among members of the association.

10) To provide forum for members to discuss matters pertaining to social association and development.

11) Fight HIV/AIDS and campaign against drug abuse.

12) o promote development activities among the members of the association.

13) To create mutual and friendly relations among it’s members.

14) To help eradication of poverty among our members 

15) Non political


Through Hope House Foundation Kenya we helped many orphans by providing them food, shelter, clothing and Education through www.hopeshousekenya.org

watch this video will shows how the help was

Through it we started an orphanage that gives Education and Shelter for the vulnerable Children. 

Through it we host visitors from abroad who come to confirm work done in our ministry.

Janet Chavoustie visit in the year 2018

Kevin Singer visit in March 2023

Though it Deanna and Douglas started Hope’s house Kenya Children’s home in the year 2018 

watch the construction

Hope’s house Kenya Children’s home completed watch the video 

Admission of orphans in the children’s home

Celebration of Christmas in the Children’s home in 2021 https://youtu.be/PNb_WQPtEZE?si=fsOPfPSweM02hID9

Orphans we care part 1

orphans we care part 2 

Orphans we care part 3

Through Hope’s house Kenya we started sheep project that helps poor Christians to manage in a living.  https://youtu.be/wCSADyf4naQ?si=VToVPa4-7ucvFbr4

The first donation in the slum in the year 2015 

Through Hope’s house Kenya we reach slums

Watch the video during covid-19

Part 1 https://youtu.be/SED6I4J5uHE?si=4tapaWZL4ulMe7ju

part 2

part 3

Orphans appreciation

Hope House Foundation Kenya 

I am the Director and founder of this Kenyan registered non profit organization. From the year 2015 when we registered it. It deals with general humanitarian aid. We help orphans, widows, street children and the poor. Many people have been blessed through it, Education to the children, given tailor machines to widows, given goats and sheep to poor people to start their domestic projects. Distribution of food and clothing to the people who live on slums. The office is located at Endebes Duka moja church. 

The challenges 

Our support to the vulnerable families is really limited , very little!

My Vision 

Through this organization I have a vision of reaching more than 1000 people in a year by providing them with full basic needs.

Hope and light academy

This is the school under Hope’s house Kenya, we give orphans, street children and oppressed children accommodation, food, uniforms and Education. We started it in the year 2016 many children who studies in this school are now in colleges, Universities and others are employed.

Children are very happy 

The challenges 

We lack enough funds to establish the school, like we need parmanent structures or buildings, and better staffs salaries


I have a vision of expanding the school to help more than 200 poor and orphaned children per year.

Ministry’s challenges

1: I  have ten churches and twenty Pastors under my mentorship, one of the churches is mega and is in the middle of my home town Kitale. It is on rental basis, we pay $ 300 per month.

2: The churches  need instruments to fit the challenge the current ministry has.

3: We are caring 100  orphans, who need our support daily, we still need to help 100 orphans who live in our location in our near future if God provides. 

4: In our churches we have a total of 20 widows under our care, we need to help 20 more widows if God provides. 

 5: In our monthly hospital and prison missions, is picking well,  we need more donations of soap, Bibles, and food

6: As we evangelize in Kenya’s remote areas, we meet so many needy people lacking clothes food, treatment, etc

7: We have three conferences per year in our ministry: April, August, and December we pray that you come to minister in one of the conferences, we believe to get positive reply from you

You can reach our office at: 

Mail: 4375 code 30200 Kitale, Kenya.

Email: hopehousefoundationkenya@gmail.com

Tel: +254704916574

Donate securely at www.hopeshousekenya.org